Create Target Group

1. Choose EC2

After Sign In success, click menu “Service” on header, then click “EC2”.

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2. Create Target Group

Click “Target Groups” on left menu, then click “Create Target Group” button to create a new target group.

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3. Key In Target Group Name

We create a new target group, the name depends the project name. If the project name is “Project Sample Staging Backend”, so the target group name is “project-sample-staging-backend”. Then click “Create” button.

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3. Edit Target of Target Groups

We select our new target group. On bottom menu, select “Targets” tab, then click “Edit” button.

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4. Add Instance to registered

We select our instance and key in the project port. Then, click “Add to Registered” button.

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5. Save Target

After we add instance with specific port to registered, then click “Save” button

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